

Company formation in Poland
„On this page you can find some informations about our services regarding to the company formation proces”

Among a number of matters, we advise on the formation and incorporation of Polish companies. We offer our Clients professional support while forming and incorporating such entities as:


  • civil partnership;
  • general partnership;
  • professional partnership;
  • limited partnership and limited joint-stock partnership;
  • limited liabality company;
  • joint stock company.


Company formation and incorporation is a complicated process. Numerous legal requirements and possible events that may occur during company operations in the future must be considered. That is the reason why one should entrust this task to professionals. Our support guarantees a fast and efficient route through all steps of company formation and incorporation which include:


  • choice of the most suitable and optimal type of business (considering tax matters);
  • assessement of business entities selected by Clients;
  • the deed of company formation;
  • arrangement of a meeting at a notary office to authenticate the deed ( limited partnership and limited joint-stock
  • partnership, limited liability company, joint stock company) and assistance;
  • preparation of National Court Register (KRS) application forms (excluding civil partnership) and tax office (US) and Central Statistical Office of Poland (GUS) entry forms;
  • filing of a motion for the registration of an entity in the register of entrepreneurs and representation during the incorporation process.